Take the first step and put our next meeting on your calendar today!Use our Contact Us page if you have questions. Or come to a meeting and see what the club is all about.
JOINING THE CLUB We are always happy to meet new photographers and we extend an invitation to you to join us for a meeting or two to see what we’re about. If you decide to become a member, our dues are $20 per year, plus a $25 membership in the Mother Lode Art Association (this is required), so a total of $45 per year. If you would like more information, feel free to contact us using the contact form. We meet every other month on the second Sunday of the month, starting in January. In the months between meetings we schedule field trips to get out in the field to practice various types of photography. Photos from the field trips are typically displayed in a slideshow show in the next meeting. For various reasons a meeting may be canceled and when that happens it will be advertised on the front page of the website. Meeting time is 1:00 P.M. to 4:00 P.M. Tuolumne County Public Library, Meeting Room at the north end of the building, 480 Greenley Road, Sonora, 95370. Use the outside door on the north end (to the right) of the building from the library double doors, which will be locked. |
Below is a link to a form that you can fill out and bring to the meeting, along with a check made out to Marie Hetherington, our 2024 treasurer, for $45 to join the Sonora Photo Club and the Motherlode Art Association. We also accept Venmo, Paypal, Zelle, and cash. It's that easy! Download the membership form and bring it and your payment to the next meeting. Information for using methods of payment other than cash or check are included on the form. Membership Form |
Vision Statement
Our vision is to be a valued center for learning and growing in the art of photography in the Sierra foothills.
Mission Statement
The Club's purpose is to provide a fun, engaging, and interactive forum for photographers of all levels to improve their photography. We provide an education-focused environment where each member is encouraged to participate, ask questions and share their expertise. Regular constructive feedback will enable members to improve their techniques. There will be opportunities for club members to participate in competitions from time to time, and to participate in public exhibitions.
Values Statement
The club welcomes photographers from beginner to pro, regardless of camera type or brand, and endeavors to provide an enriching environment with opportunities for learning and sharing. Active participation is encouraged as member involvement is what makes the club.
Our vision is to be a valued center for learning and growing in the art of photography in the Sierra foothills.
Mission Statement
The Club's purpose is to provide a fun, engaging, and interactive forum for photographers of all levels to improve their photography. We provide an education-focused environment where each member is encouraged to participate, ask questions and share their expertise. Regular constructive feedback will enable members to improve their techniques. There will be opportunities for club members to participate in competitions from time to time, and to participate in public exhibitions.
Values Statement
The club welcomes photographers from beginner to pro, regardless of camera type or brand, and endeavors to provide an enriching environment with opportunities for learning and sharing. Active participation is encouraged as member involvement is what makes the club.