Our next meeting is on Sunday,
March 9, 2025, 1-4 P.M.
You're Invited!
The Sonora Photo Club was founded in 2005 in the California Gold Country city of Sonora, California, to promote the art of photography. Photographers of all experience levels, from beginner to professional, are welcome to join and meet in a supportive and friendly environment, where expertise and skills can be shared and developed in all aspects of photography.
We meet every other month on the second Sunday of the month from 1:00 PM to 4:00 pm in the Tuolumne County Library meeting room at 480 Greenley Road, Sonora, 95370. See additional information on the Meetings page, including the date for each of the monthly meetings, which can change on occasion. You can also find our meeting agenda and meeting minutes on that page. We welcome visitors to our meetings and would love to have you drop by and meet us. Learn more about our beginnings as a club here: History of Sonora Photo Club. Our GoalThe club’s goal is to explore the entire photographic experience from equipment to photographic techniques, from shooting to post processing and printing. Toward that end, we offer an opportunity for members to display and discuss their photos, learn new tips and techniques, and seek advice on issues they may have with experienced photographers who are club members. Most importantly, we provide a friendly forum where we can share our knowledge and learn from each other.
In addition to meetings, members of the club meets regularly to head out for a shoot in the local area - we call them field trips. Located in California’s gold country and close to Yosemite, our club has a wealth of opportunities to explore the old mining towns of the Mother Lode, the many specialized farms, ranches and wineries, and the grandeur of Yosemite National Park and the Sonora Pass area, among others. |
MembershipIt's easy to become a member. You might want to attend a meeting or two before you join and that is fine with us. The total cost of membership, which includes membership in the Motherlode Art Association, is $45.00. To learn more about becoming a member or to ask a question visit the Membership or Contact Us page. We have a leadership group, voted in each year in November of the prior year, but we are a membership-driven organization and the participation of members is what helps the club to provide interesting and fun meetings.
Member OpportunitiesThe club offers several opportunities for members to show their photographs, including slide shows, theme of the month presentations, hanging work in public buildings, and linking to a club member's website from the club website. Additionally, we post member images on the club website annually.
In past years the club has held an annual photography contest and awarded ribbons to winning members. Other opportunities might be in the form of a special presentation or of additional competitions or public hanging opportunities as they arise. The club is affiliated with the Motherlode Art Association and that association offers opportunities for members to hang artwork in various place in Tuolumne County, as well as other benefits. For more information on MLAA visit their website at http://www.motherlodeartassociation.org/contact-us.html. ![]() At the Rodeo Courtesy Kay Hoover. |
In each meeting, the first order of business is usually for each member to present three to five of their best photographs in digital or print form. The photos are based on a theme, which changes each month and the theme is decided by the club membership. Past themes have included clouds, wild animals, spring color, a letter of the alphabet, and portraits, to name only a few. Themes for 2025 are listed on the Meetings page.
At some meetings a member will have signed up to create a slide show and that will be shown and discussed. At some meetings there will be a presentation on a specific aspect of photography, such as macro or wildlife photography. Other agenda items may include discussions on equipment, techniques, and software; presentations on photo software and techniques; sharing of local events that might provide good photography opportunities; and, a detailed presentation on the post processing of a photograph. |
Our club member websitesSome club members have one or more websites and if you want to see their work you can visit the websites from the Member Photos page.
Hummingbird Moth, Kathy Syverson Mountain Scene, Bill Heiser Any club member can have their website listed and it will be linked from the club's Member Photos page. |
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